
Life In a Fashion Struggle

7:24 PM

Well, I really have to let this off my chest before NY Fashion Week officially begins tomorrow. The main reason that I came back home from my program was I wanted to be a dresser at a few shows this upcoming fashion week. While I was in Florida I even contacted design houses seeing if they needed assistants with dressers backstage. I know some fashion houses hire a company to supply dressers and help backstage, so when I did call I asked if they hire a company so I know what to do. Now what I am really frustated about is that some of the design houses of which I called who told me to fax over my resume to be a dresser in basically in recent hours revealed that they hire a company for their dressers. WTF why wasn't I told this basically a month ago when I called and fax over my resume and cover letter, you mean no one couldn't reply back telling they hire a company so I wouldn't have my hopes up thinking that I had a chance. Okay that is one situation the next is the other design houses who have contacted me back saying they will love my help and they will contact me back further come to the show. Basically here is one email from a very very well known design house:

Dear Saneeta,

Thank you for your interest in ** Designs. We are looking for dressers and once we are closer to the date, I will contact you accordingly with further information.



That email was recieved Jan. 8. 2007, when I emailed that same person a few hours ago today about the position the reply was :

Dear Saneeta,

Thank you for your volunteering, but we are at our cap and do not need further assistance. We appreciate your support and hope you could help out next season.



Well isn't that peachy once again hopes up and hopes diminshes.

I mean I am not upset or mad but just frustated before I went on my program for Walt Disney World in Florida I was sending my resume with writing samples to multiple of fashion magazines for an internship for almost two years and I didn't get anything out of it except an interview with OK! Magazine and I didn't even get that internship. The whole rejections of internships was the main reason that I accepted and went away to work for the Mouse in Florida for 5 months. However I could have extended my stay for a couple months. But I decided not to do that because I want to be a dresser at a few fashion shows this season. The main designer I really really wanted to volunteer for was Marc Jacobs. If I was only to dress his show I would have been totally and completely satisfied because I love and admire Marc Jacobs that much, but that's not going to happen either. However all is not lost I still got some invitations for a few shows this week so I will be under the tents.

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